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Friday, April 27, 2012

FTP Server Set Up With File Zilla


There seemed to me some need for a guide to setting up a FTP server for at-work to offer FTP srevice to mi remote Administrative office.


  • FileZilla Server
  • FileZilla Client(most suggested but other ftp clients will work)
  • Home LAN setup with administrative abilities over your router(optional for internet server)

Navigate to and select the "Download" option from the right. Then select the server option. You may then choose either the Windows executable if you intend to run the machine from a Windows environment or the platform independent version if you plan to run it on any version of Linux/Unix or Macintosh.


Installation is pretty quick. There is a few key options that you should make that vary depend based on how you intend to run this machine so i'll explain each briefly as I come to it.

At this point, you can make any options you see fit but I do suggest setting up the administrative interface as it makes the administration far more simple from the local machine and it takes up little to no extra space.

If you are installing this to simply administer a server(i.e. having multiple admins on, say, an in-home file server)you will only need to install the administration interface.

Here you will decide how you would like to install the FTP service. I have chosen to install it as a service operated manually. This is really a preference as I don't like anything on my computer to really start on its own. However, if you intend to run this on a remote machine that will have no real other use, you might want to set this as a remote service started automatically in case of a reboot. You can, of course, also set it to simply run on demand.

Additionally, this is the port that you will specify the remote administration port. It is best to leave it at its default value but if, for some reason, you would like to use another port: specify it now. Be sure to forward that port correctly as well(covered later).

Running FileZilla Server:

When you start up FileZilla Server it will ask you what server you would like to administrate.

If the machine is local: use the settings above making sure to specify the right port.

If the machine is remote: specify the IP and port.


Select Edit > Settings and look into some of the changes.

Here you can leave pretty much default. My only suggestions are to change some of the timeout options if you don't want/need users to be disconnected. Also, change the Listen Port now if the server will be accepting client requests on some OTHER port. Again, be sure to reflect this change in your port forwarding options.

Nothing much here EXCEPT to set an admin password for your server. Be sure to set it to something you don't mind sharing if you intend to have multiple admins but make it secure enough that anyone who knows about your server can't gain access to the administrative rights.

This seems to be the part where most people stumble in their setup and I am not sure why. This is fairly basic and doesn't require nearly as much concern as most people give it. If you are behind a firewall/router that operates under NAT: select "Use the following IP:" and enter in your IP into the field.

Also, you will have to forward a range of ports for passive users to use. The FileZilla FAQ suggests 5000-5100 and I will go with this as well. Unless there is a problem with this number, use it. Make sure to set this as a range inside your router.

Users & Groups:

This is pretty basic stuff so I'll keep it brief. You will want to create groups to manage users but its not needed. It makes the sharing of a single file over multiple users easier. I'll start with making groups:

Pretty simple: make the appropriate group and fill in any needed information.

This is the gravy of the section. Set up which ever files you intend to share. These files will be accessible by ANYONE in the group, so add files carefully and add users even more carefully. In my example with admins: i will want admins to be able to have full permissions on the files so that new stuff can be added and old stuff removed.

Now for specific users:

Now we can add a user and give him group membership. Be sure to set this carefully as it will determine the access to particular files across groups. If you add a user to a group, that groups selected home directory will become the users home directory.

We can now add files/folders for the user. Be sure to set a home directory and set up an aliases(Linux/Unix). This is a bit more advanced and I suggest trying to share all the stuff you intend to share in a single folder to simplify things.

How do aliases work?

Let's assume you have two shared folders: c:\ftproot is your homedir and d:\myfiles is the second one. In order to display an alias to d:\myfiles in your homedir, add c:\ftproot\myalias as alias to d:\myfiles. A new folder with the name myalias will apear in your homedir with the contents of d:\myfiles

Port Forwarding & Ranges:

See this site:

Be sure to forward these ports(following this guide):
  • 5000-5100 (passive range)
  • 21 (listen)
  • 14147 (admin interface)
Also, if you are operating behind a Windows based firewall add port 21 and the filezilla server executable to the exceptions list.


There it is. This is your basic startup guide to getting a FileZilla Server on its feet. Please post questions and any suggestions I could make here. I'll try to keep this up-to-date with answers to more commonly asked questions

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Asterisk - A Complete Telecommunication Platform

Hope you all had some idea about what is Open-BTS now lets dig wats Asterisk all about, since we have to use the both OpenBTS and Asterisk, in order to create ur own gsm network now ill take u thro asterisk tutorial..

If u missed the OpenBTS article click here

Asterisk is a software that helps u to connect from ur IP based Phone to wired connected land line networks and PSTN networks, via the VOIP service u may subscribed from any provider..
So hardware(OpenBTS + Astrisk is needed to create Networks Or To Tapping the calls)..Tapping calls made easier because  Ur handsets not authenticating the Base station(Tower) when it registering ur number, wen moved away from another tower..! So when two users speaking you can easily create a session using Session Initiaion Protocol along(SIP) with ur Subscribed PBX Connection..u will be in the same line like three way calling !!!
Alright ,
Am compiling this article from various resources and watching couple of defcon videos that I found in internet,when I researched about OpenBTS, ASTERISK, Call center softwares,
In Future let me try Demonstrating the Simple GSM network , Inputs are welcomed
Here is the Schematic:

2.Soft Phones(Touch Dialler Software)
3.Gateway IP Address of the VoIP Service that help you to talk/intercept calls with PSTN Users


Asterisk used in all places neealy from Software companies, Call centers , Live On training Classes , Video Conferencing e.t.c

You can either use it for ur home and business uses, so I assume u have a Broadband network
doesn’t matter either u behind NAT all u need a good internet speed that carry your up and down stream to carry your voice

 1. IP PBX  , 2. PHONES(Soft Phones) ,  3. SIP GATEWAY

1.IP PBX:  You will need a computer to run the IP PBX , Yeah a standalone system
2.PHONES(Soft Phones) : Either u can get a Soft Phone or SIP Phone ?

Ok,What are SIP Phones?


SIP Phones are the same thing as VoIP Phones or soft phones. These are telephones that allow phone calls to be made using VoIP (voice over internet protocol) technology.
There are two types of SIP Phones. The first type is the hardware SIP phone, which resembles the common telephone but can receive and make calls using the internet instead of the traditional PSTN system.

SIP Phones can also be software-based. These allow any computer to be used as a telephone by means of a headset with a microphone and/or a sound card. A broadband connection and connection to a VOIP provider or a SIP server are also required.

SIP Gateway :

I presume you want to communicate with others on the PSTN network, so you need to obtain gateway service.  Since part of the call is being carried on the circuit switched network, it costs real money.  This means you will have to pay for this part of the system. 

Step 1 – Sign Up for Service

This section takes you through signing up with VoipJet and BroadVoice.  I am using two service because
  1. it is less costly, if you use it a lot, and
  2. it illustrates how to set up two different kinds of trunks.



Browse to http://www.voipjet.comSine up for service. Then log on and follow the line describing how to set up Asterisk. You will need to copy down your “VoipJet account number (username),” your “Authorization code (password),” and your server IP address (depending on your location).  Ignore the rest of the setup instructions.



Browse to  Sign up.  Say “I want to use my own SIP device”.  When it asks what type of device, select “Not Listed (Generic SIP).  When it asks for details, just say “Asterisk”.  Next, pick your phone number.  Next pick your plan.  I recommend “BroadVoice BYOD Lite.”  Once you have finished the sign up process, log in, click on “Account” and follow the “Show Settings” link in the “Your Devices” section.  This section gives your phone number (in case you forget) and your password (you will need this later). 

1.   Ping the following hosts:,, and
2.      Pick the one with the lowest latency.  In my case, it was
3.      Use nslookup to get the IP address of  In my case it is

Step 2 – Set Up SIP Softphone

Download and install XLite from

Run XLite.  Click on the “Menu” icon to configure it.  Click on “System Settings”, then “SIP Proxy”, then “Default”. 
Fill in the following fields:

User name: 200
Authorization user: 200
Password: abc123
SIP Proxy:

It should look something like this.

The phone will try to register, but for now it will fail.

Get the Software

AAH can be downloaded from  Download the basic ISO file, and burn it to a CD as a bootable volume (exercise left to reader).

Load AAH

This is going to reformat your hard disk and load everything from the operating system on up, so make sure there is nothing on the hard drive that you want to save. 
Boot your machine from the CD.  When it prompts, type ENTER.  Then wait as everything loads and compiles.  This could take 30 minutes or more, depending on how fast your computer, hard drive, and CDROM are.  At the end, it ejects the CD and reboots from the hard drive. 
The initial login is:

username: root
password: password

Set Up Networking

The machine probably got an IP address from DHCP, but it is not what you want.  Log in as root and run:

It will display setup information.  You should enter the following:

IP address:
DNS Server:

OK these changes, then reboot the machine to make them take effect.

After reboot, long in once more.  You need to add the BroadVoice server IP address to /etc/hosts.
Edit /etc/hosts, and add the following line at the end:

Here the IP address was the one obtained when signing up with BroadVoice.

Once this is done, you can do the rest of the configuration through the web.

Browse To AMP

From your web browser, go to  You should see the following:
Select “Asterisk Management Portal.”  Log in as follows:

username: maint
password: password

Now you should be at the AMP main screen.
Click on “Setup” to bring you to the main setup screen.

Set Up BroadVoice Trunk

Click on “Trunks” and then “Add SIP Trunk.”  You see a blank SIP trunk form.
You will need to fill out the main items on the SIP/Trunk screens. I am using BroadVoice for incoming service only, so I will not administer outgoing trunk information. 
Outbound caller ID:  7237570239
Max channels: 1
The outgoing settings can be left as is, except to fill in the trunk name as BroadVoice.
In Incoming Settings, fill in the following:
User Context: 7327570239
User Details:

Check for Phone Registration

At this point, the XLite application should have registered with AAH.  If not, exit XLite (you have to stop it from the tray icon) and restart.  It should say “Logged in”.  If not, see the troubleshooting section below.  To start with, make sure you have assigned the same password in the extension form and in the phone.
On XLite, dial *23 to test audio input and output levels. 

On XLite, dial *23 to test audio input and output levels.
