Back with a New Job, Gottaa tell you all My Job Gonna Keep me Busy Hereafter, And i am learning Alot and enjoy learning and i Love My JOB...!! Ok Come Back to trackWhether you are gathering research for marketing, trying to support a project or just making a point the use of statistics always helps build a stronger argument. The following list of statistics were put together regarding email and fall under a variety of subjects such as general email, email marketing and, of course, email security.
- In 2011 there were 1.9 billion email users worldwide. That is projected to grow to 2.5 billion users by the year 2014.
- In 2010 there were an estimated 2.9 billion email mailboxes. 730 million of them are business email inboxes.
- There was an estimated 294 billion emails sent every day in 2010 totaling over 90 trillion emails sent every year, or 2.8 million emails sent every second.
- The average number of emails sent by a typical business user each day is 43. That same user receives an average of 130 emails each day.
- Of those 294 billion email messages sent every day it is estimated that 90% of them are spam or malicious.
- The average corporate employee spends 25 percent of their work day on email related tasks. This is compared to 14 percent spent on face to face meetings and 9 percent spent on the phone.
- The amount of spam is increasing at a rate of 20 to 25 percent every year.
- 74% of all adults online state that email is the preferred method of communication.
- A Yahoo! survey found that one third of all people would rather clean their toilets than clean out their email inbox.
- The average size of an email message is 75 KB which is about 7000 words in plain text.
- The average size of a spam message is less than 5 KB in size.
- The average user spends about 1 hour and 47 minutes using email.
- One third of all people aged 18 to 34 check their email when they first wake up.
- 62 percent of people admit that they regularly check work email over the weekend and 50 percent admit to checking work email while on vacation. 78 percent of this is done using mobile devices.
- Lost productivity due to dealing with spam costs businesses approximately $897.86 per user every year.
- 26 percent of Small and Medium Sized Businesses will suffer around 30 minutes of unplanned downtime every month when it comes to email services.
- In 2008 there were 158 billion marketing emails sent by US retailers and wholesalers. By 2013 that number is expected to grow to 258 billion.
- 91 percent of all spam contains some sort of link.
- 18 percent of all spam makes use of a URL link shortening service.
- Out of the 76 billion spam messages sent with a shortened URL, 168,000 where clicked at a rate of .0002 percent.
- 64 percent of all spam messages are related to a pharmaceutical product. Other popular topics include Casinos at 7 percent and watches at 6.5 percent.
- 1 in 284 emails contain malware.
- 1 in 445 emails are phishing attempts.
- Only .7 percent of spam comes from free webmail services like Gmail or Hotmail.
- 1.1 percent of spam were forged to look like they were sent from legitimate webmail accounts.
- Botnets account for 88.2 percent of all spam sent to your inbox.
- A single bot sends approximately 77 spam emails per minute.
- In 2010 there were over 339,600 different malware strains identified in emails that were blocked as being malicious.
- In 2010 Italy intercepted the highest percentage of spam at 93.5 percent.
- The continent responsible for sending the highest percentage of spam in 2010 was Europe at 39.3 percent.
- Before it was brought down, Rustock was responsible for 47.5 percent of all spam, or 44.1 billion spam messages sent out every day.
- The second most productive spam botnet in 2010, the Grum botnet, was responsible for 9 percent of all spam equaling 7.9 billion messages a day.
- Roughly 93 percent of all spam in 2010 was sent in English. 5.7 percent of these messages were considered to be unknown.
- Only 33 percent of all spam messages sent to Brazilian email addresses was sent in Portuguese.
- In 2010 Outlook was the most popular email client with 36.71 percent of the market share. Hotmail was second with 16.23 percent.