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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How To Hack Email ! ?

How To Hack Email ! ?

If you have ever downloaded and executed any email hacking software's ! then chances are you got backdoored or its a worm. there is no such softwares which hacks email for you. to hack emails you must penetrate into websites database where they store password hashes of email accounts, its not an easy task but its not impossible. but building a tool to bypass security fields of a web server is something unimaginable and i am pretty sure that at present there is no such software in market. well but if i say that hacking emails are impossible then i might go wrong, there are few ways you can hack an email, you might not succeed everytime but its possible. In brief i am going to tell few ways how you can hack
  • PHISHING : While reading articles about hacking emails, Phishing is the most common word you come across with, its because most of the emails hacked today is by using this technique. Phishing is the technique used to hack emails or bank accounts by tricking the victim to login to your fake web page, this can be done by sending your fake web page url to your victim, redirecting to your webpage or sending emails to your victim to update his email settings.
  • KEYLOGGING : Pick Keyloggers Which has the option to send catpured keystrokes to your ftp account or email. Then make an executable file with your account details saved and send the .exe to your victim, if by chance he clicked your file then you can track all his keystrokes.
  • BRUTE FORCING : Technique used where you guess all possible passwords for your victims account or Dictionary method where you store a large dictionary of passwords in a .txt, This might take a very long time day or months, this method is not stable, most of the time you end up without gaining any shit.
  • STEALERS : Stealers are like Keylogger's with a slight difference, Stealer's search for stored password cookies of MSN, Gmail, Yahoo etc and reply back to coder via ftp or email .
  • BOT : Bots has the ability to do everything that other tools can, bots are very dangerous and nearly 30% of computers are infected by bots. bots can steal data's, keylog the victims computer. bots are unlinke keyloggers, they are based on client/server model. stealed data's or keystrokes are sent bank to IRC server or web-server depends on what bot you are being infected.
  • SHOULDER SURFING : Well the name says it all, here you dont need any tools or skills. watch the victims fingers when he types into a ketboard.
  • MANUAL HACKING : This method might work sometimes, here you need some of social engineering skills, collect some information of your victim like his birth date or place or favourite pets name, his favourite teachers name etc and try to fill this information in secret question field .